Archive for the ‘Terrorism Monitor’ Category

Now i am simply going to start dumping things here without much method or madness in terms of order. Just needs to be done really. This is a recent article i wrote for the Jamestown Foundation’s Terrorism Monitor: – it examines radicalization and problems the British prison system is having adjusting to having an increasing amount of terrorist lifers to deal with.

Britain’s Prison Dilemma: Issues and Concerns in Islamic Radicalization

Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 6 Issue: 6
March 24, 2008 07:26 PM Age: 248 days
Category: Terrorism Monitor, Europe

The increasingly rapid tempo of arrests and convictions of terrorist plotters by the British security services has had the concurrent effect of increasing the number of terrorist prisoners now incarcerated in the United Kingdom’s penal system. This influx of hardened terrorists into the system has started to alarm many in the Ministry of Justice and the Home Office who are concerned about the “disruptive impact of terrorists on prison regimes” (Guardian, March 3). Fears are focused on two main concerns: clashes between groups of Muslim prisoners and others in the general prison population, and the potential for high-profile terrorist prisoners to radicalize susceptible imprisoned youths.
